food for the soul

Our Church bookstore exists for the purpose of being a resource for Orthodox Christianity and for anyone seeking information and truth about the true and original Christian Church in all Her richness. It is a repository for knowledge of our faith and for aids useful in the practice of our faith; ever-growing and searching for avenues to obtain additional resources for the purpose of communicating our Holy Faith to all who come through our doors. The bookstore is open every Sunday after Divine Liturgy.  

  • The bookstore is here to educate, serve and augment the Orthodox Christian faith and tradition.

  • Our Bookstore offers “food for the soul”: A respectable assortment of books on the Orthodox Christian Faith.

  • The goal of our bookstore is to provide quality Orthodox materials to our parishioners and the community at large.

  • The selection includes a variety of gift items, orthodox books, icons, prayer ropes, jewelry and many other quality goods pertaining to our Orthodox Christian faith and practice.